Wednesday 31 October 2012

Q Magazine in the UK has just published my essay on the US Presidential Elections.  It may be a bit controversial back home, but I reckon it's the truth:

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Classic Rock Magazine in the U.K.  is showing me much more love than I deserve or can explain by premiering my new video for Eton Rifles. I thank them sincerely for their continued support.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Classic Rock Magazine is now offering, for a limited time, a free download of the new John Wheeler single. Cheers Fellows! Get it here, for free:

Saturday 13 October 2012

Alrighty. The first single, "Deeper In Debt,"is set for a November 5 release. Just in time to coincide with the US elections. I'm going to be very happy when the elections are over and done. I'm sure the TV networks are loving the advertising money, but I for one am completely sick to death of all the BS negative campaigning. It would be nice to see a candidate put forward an actual specific positive vision rather than just calling the other folks names. Laying brick is much harder than throwing bricks, I suppose.