Thursday 20 December 2012

Time is simply a function of motion

We are each and all simply individual manifestations of consciousness coming to know itself in the infinite clearing of Being, which is simply the space-time continuum. 

Beginnings and endings are illusions; time isolated from motion is equally an illusion, because the phenomenon of time - as we experience and perceive it - is simply a product of motion occurring at our specific degree of definition, mass and density (which is merely a more precise way of describing “size” from a Universal perspective). In the total absence of motion, there would be no time.

Everything which exists, every particular manifestation of matter, is composed at the absolute irreducible core level of resonating and vibrating strands of pure energy in an infinite multitude of configurations, and since energy can neither be created nor destroyed and is therefore eternal, everything which exists is fundamentally eternal as well.

The Universe, therefore, is exactly the sum total of everything which exists – and this collected existence, Being, has no beginning or end, rather it simply Is. The Universe, of which we are individual manifestations, collected together as a whole must therefore speak of itself simply as, “I Am.”

Friday 7 December 2012

Well, the first short UK tour with Ben Bastin on bas definitely flew by! And it was very good to be back out playing for audiences again. We'll do much more in the new year when the album is finally released.

Monday 5 November 2012

My first single, "Deeper In Debt," was released today . . . Now I can just hope that some radio somewhere actually plays it!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Q Magazine in the UK has just published my essay on the US Presidential Elections.  It may be a bit controversial back home, but I reckon it's the truth:

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Classic Rock Magazine in the U.K.  is showing me much more love than I deserve or can explain by premiering my new video for Eton Rifles. I thank them sincerely for their continued support.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Classic Rock Magazine is now offering, for a limited time, a free download of the new John Wheeler single. Cheers Fellows! Get it here, for free:

Saturday 13 October 2012

Alrighty. The first single, "Deeper In Debt,"is set for a November 5 release. Just in time to coincide with the US elections. I'm going to be very happy when the elections are over and done. I'm sure the TV networks are loving the advertising money, but I for one am completely sick to death of all the BS negative campaigning. It would be nice to see a candidate put forward an actual specific positive vision rather than just calling the other folks names. Laying brick is much harder than throwing bricks, I suppose.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Finally the video for "Deeper In Debt" is finished.  It will be the single in November, to coincide with the US elections, which I hope will give me opportunities to get all over the radio with the rest of the self-righteous, blowhard pundits and mix it up!

Sunday 1 July 2012

The album is finally finished. After recording 46 songs, I've finally narrowed it down to around 12 or so that seem to fit together.  Now I just need a concept for the cover.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

According to Cameron, the UK has an immigration problem. He aims to fix this problem by making immigration much more difficult. But more difficult for whom? Tomorrow, the entire population of Greece could move to the UK.  There would be no legal barrier to prevent this, and in all honesty, I'm not sure why that hasn't already happened. However, if an engineer from . . . say . . . the US (or any other non-EU country) wants to move to the UK, this is nearly impossible.  It is a ridiculous situation.  There cannot be an economic union without a policy union.  And when, historically speaking, has Europe ever had either.  I'm going to make some pasta and get some sleep.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Going into a studio in an old abandoned chapel in rural Northamptonshire, England on Monday and Tuesday to record some of the new songs.  Or maybe to record all of them.  It all depends on how fast things go.  And they'd better go fast.  My experience is that if you don't have a decent recording by the 3rd or 4th attempt, then it probably just isn't going to happen that day.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Glory halleluiah! It appears that I can also update this travelogue from my phone. I feel so truly a connected part of the Digital Age.
This is my first entry.  I feel I should have something interesting to say, but it's 3:39AM and I've been working on this damn website since for 18 hours - because I'm both too cheap to pay somebody more "professional" to do it and also because I'm a complete control freak.  And now I'm going to bed.  I'll have something interesting to say later.