Thursday 20 December 2012

Time is simply a function of motion

We are each and all simply individual manifestations of consciousness coming to know itself in the infinite clearing of Being, which is simply the space-time continuum. 

Beginnings and endings are illusions; time isolated from motion is equally an illusion, because the phenomenon of time - as we experience and perceive it - is simply a product of motion occurring at our specific degree of definition, mass and density (which is merely a more precise way of describing “size” from a Universal perspective). In the total absence of motion, there would be no time.

Everything which exists, every particular manifestation of matter, is composed at the absolute irreducible core level of resonating and vibrating strands of pure energy in an infinite multitude of configurations, and since energy can neither be created nor destroyed and is therefore eternal, everything which exists is fundamentally eternal as well.

The Universe, therefore, is exactly the sum total of everything which exists – and this collected existence, Being, has no beginning or end, rather it simply Is. The Universe, of which we are individual manifestations, collected together as a whole must therefore speak of itself simply as, “I Am.”

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